Advertising Terms & Conditions

The Publisher (Four Winds Media) accepts advertisements (which include notices) for publication in The Fishing Paper  and Hunting News subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. The Advertiser warrants and undertakes to the Publisher that there is no material, statement, representation or information contained in the advertisement that:
    1. Is or is likely to be misleading or deceptive or otherwise infringe the Fair Trading Act 1986 or any Act passed in substitution therefore; or
    2. Is in full or part defamatory, in breach of copyright, trademark or other intellectual or industrial property right; or
    3. Is otherwise in breach of any provision of any statute, regulation or rule or law.
  2. In consideration of the Publisher accepting an advertisement for publication the Advertiser hereby agrees to indemnify the Publisher against all and any losses, costs, demands, claims, damages, expenses, proceedings and legal costs arising directly or indirectly out of:
    1. A breach of the terms of clause 1 above;
    2. The Publisher having to correct, alter, amend, or otherwise change any advertisement to conform to style or for any other good or sufficient reason where such correction, alteration, amendment or change has been carried out with reasonable care and skill; or
    3. Any delay in publication or cancellation of the advertisement arising out of any act or omission of the Advertiser or any act or omission of the Publisher in exercising its right to correct, alter, amend or change any advertisement.
  3. The Publisher may refuse to publish or may reject or withdraw any advertisement from publication without any reason being given to the Advertiser.
  4. The Advertiser hereby undertakes to advise the Publisher immediately of any error appearing in any advertisement placed by that Advertiser.
  5. In the event of delay or failure to advertise the Publisher, without limiting the remedies of the Advertiser, may publish the advertisement on the first subsequent reasonable date available unless the advertisement features a date or event that is affected by the delay or failure.
  6. To cancel an advertisement for any reason on a fixed or casual signed contract the Advertiser must have the agreement of the Publisher. Cancellation fees may apply.
  7. The charge for an advertisement shall be in accordance with the rate card current at the date of publication, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
  8. If payment of the account for publishing the advertisement is not made by the due date the Advertiser will be liable for interest at 2.5% monthly from the due date and for all costs of recovery and collection fees.
  9. The Advertiser will not hold the Company responsible for non-insertion of any advertisement or advertisements by reason of accident or any other cause whatsoever, nor for errors after the first insertion in the publication of any advertisement. The obligatory supplying of a proof before insertion is not a condition of acceptance of advertisements by the Company.
  10. Advertising copy entailing job setting, to be at the office of the Company by the Company’s deadline for such copy. If not, the Advertiser is liable to pay for space. Advertising deadlines are printed on publication rate cards.
  11. In the event of epidemics, fires, floods, strikes, shortage of stocks, inability to secure supplies, war or other causes of any kind whatsoever interfering with the publication of any printed issue of the Company, the publishers will have the right to vary the space and frequency of insertions or to suspend or terminate the insertion of advertisements.
  12. Space Contract Advertisements: The Advertiser will use within the specified term, the total space for which the charge is to be at the space contract rates. In the event of their failure for any reason to use the specified total space, the Advertiser will pay for the space used at the signed contract rate.
  13. Acceptance Offer: The offer contained in this Agreement may be accepted by the Company inserting the advertisement (if one insertion only is required) or by inserting the first of the advertisements (if more than one advertisement is to be inserted). However, should the Advertiser be in breach of any of the above conditions, the Company may terminate any arrangement for the insertion of advertisements.
  14. Copyright: Wherever the Company creates and/or produces artwork for publication on behalf of the Advertiser, this material remains the property of the Company and cannot be published in other publications without the written permission of the Company.
  15. Material Specifications: The Company has the right to reject advertising material, which does not conform to its current policies on material specifications. Should material supplied not comply with the publications material specifications and the material cannot be replaced before deadline, then the Company will charge for the space booked.
  16. Cancellation: Cancellation of an advertising order must be given 10 days before the deadline time as per the publication rate card. Verbal cancellation instructions must be confirmed in writing within 24 hours and before the deadline time.
  17. The Advertiser will not be entitled to a guaranteed position(s) except on payment of the special rate for such position(s). Loaded rates are specified in the publication’s rate card.
  19. Additional Terms and Conditions for Business Advertisers: Nothing in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 shall apply to an agreement to publish advertisements for the purposes of a business.
    Fixed Issue/Space Rates: Only apply to signed contracts or purchase orders.
    Rates: Apply to camera ready copy or finished film.
    Proofs: If required, copy must be submitted before material deadline.
    GST: All prices are excluding GST unless specifically indicated.
    Advertisement Sizes: Other than standard will be charged at column centimetre rate.

Dedicated Distributor:

Distribution will be for 12 Issues as from the stated date on the signed contract.

A minimum commitment of a 4 issue/ad contract per 12 issues is required.

Dedicated Distributor applies to signed contracts only.


All ads are invoiced after publication of the current issue and are to be paid by 20th of the issue month. eg. if your ad appeared in the September 2023 issue your payment is due by the 20th of September 2023.

All outstanding debts and invoices will be charged 2.5%interest monthly until the debt is recovered.

If payment of the account for publishing the advertisement is not made by the due date the advertiser will be liable for interest from the due date and for all costs of recovery and collection fees.


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