His twenty season experience as a commercial rock lobster fisherman on the southern north island coast of New Zealand gave Daryl Sykes both inspiration and enthusiasm to pursue a new career in rock lobster fisheries research and management. As a consultant industry representative and advocate Daryl has encouraged improved levels of understanding and respect between fisheries stakeholder groups and bureaucrats, enabling well-informed and better directed outcomes in regards to fishery management and resource allocation.
Daryl was a full time professional lobster fisherman from 1971 to 1991 and operated through three different fisheries management regimes during that period. When he came ashore in 1992 Daryl specialized in “change management” advice to guide fishermen and processors through management regime transitions. He has extensively covered property rights/collective management issues in magazine articles, conference presentations and industry workshops in New Zealand and overseas. He retains a link to the NZ RLIC and other fishing industry groups as a Senior Technical Adviser.