Birthday success for Mason

Mason Allan turned 11 on the 25th January. The next day, he was out on the boat fishing with his Dad. His goal was to catch a snapper bigger than the 12lb specimen his younger brother Braxton had caught earlier that week. Still, he never imagined he would end up catching himself a special birthday fish……

A 20.5lb snapper! The reel screamed as the monster snapper took the bait. An epic fight lasting around 10 mins ensues, Mason losing line as fast as he could gain it and at times barely able to hold onto the rod. But Mason kept his cool and dug deep. Luckily, his little reel was up to the task, and once Mason engaged the low gear, the fish eventually tired and slowly came closer and closer to the boat. As it neared the surface, the excitement was immense, and the net man, was suddenly under more pressure than Eddie Jones at last year’s Rugby World Cup,.Fortunately for Mason, the net man was up to the task, and the fish was swiftly scooped out of the water and onto the boat. There were cheers, high-fives, and hugs all around. Mason was shaking and in shock. Everyone on board was stoked and amazed. Such a special moment for Mason and for Dad Gary to be there to witness his son catching, for most fishermen, a bucket list dream fish. Caught on a 7/0 black magic snapper snack.

Mason’s next goal is to shoot a kingfish!

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