Blooming lovely

The milky haze turned out to be jellyfish

There were two long weekends coming up but when the weather for the weekend prior was looking mint and the long range still too uncertain, we quickly rallied to get things sorted for a trip to the Sounds. Our lovely house/dog sitter was available (no I’m not sharing who she is haha!) so we invited a friend of our daughters to join us for her first overnight fishing trip and set off.

The trip to Havelock was quick; we launched easily and were well up Pelorus Sound in no time. It was dinner time so we parked up in sheltered Hopai Bay, a gorgeous spot for nachos and a spot of fishing for live baits. Except the girls caught a couple of decent sized gurnard on sabikis! At least we knew dinner was sorted for the next night.

The wind changed as predicted so we moved into another bay and moored for a peaceful night’s sleep, after we stopped fishing for the kahawai milling around the boat. The girls were having a ball! It was particularly lovely hearing our daughter pass on fishing tips and knowledge, acquired over the years, to her friend.

Next morning was a cruisey start with poached eggs for breakfast, then off to a few spots around the mussel farms.

Early afternoon we pulled up to the wharf at Te Rawa Lodge—a beautiful spot to stretch the legs and enjoy a cold beer and iceblocks (something that had only been mentioned eleven or so times over the morning) watching the boats come and go whilst enjoying the view.

The girls were keen for a swim off the boat so we sheltered from the wind in a neighbouring bay and eventually, after much debate about sharks and jellyfish (the girls) and the temperature (me!), we were all in. Very refreshing but oh so good!

Another relaxing evening, fresh gurnard, corn cobs and chips for tea and we fell asleep to the sounds of the waves slapping against the hull.

The next day we tried a spot we’d never been before and it must’ve been meant to be. In the distance in the calm bay we could see the water looked cloudy, and wondered what it was. Moving closer, we could see jellyfish, steadily increasing in number and density until we realised that the cloud was a jellyfish bloom.

Something we’d read about, but none of us had seen before even though there is an increased chance of them occurring when warm waters combine with plenty of food. We drifted along the outside, watching the amazing and beautiful gathering of moon jellyfish. The girls were intrigued and quite glad not to be swimming right then—a very special end to a lovely time away.

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