Day of the dogfish

Finn caught this huge spiny from the wharf

It was a beautiful Wednesday morning at Bluff Wharf where my Grandpa Alistair and I had decided to go fishing. I was rostered home that day due to the teachers’ strikes so thought that there was no better way to spend the day than go fishing.

We had arrived at nine and high tide was at 11, so wasted no time setting up our rigs. We fished for an hour and a half with no interest from fish. The reason may of been because of a dredge working100 metres away from us, churning up the water. It kept doing laps but as soon as it left, we had an instant hookup. The fish fought pretty hard and I was surprised to find that it was a 75cm spiny dogfish.

Grandpa Alistair and a spiny critter

After that, it was like a switch had been flipped and, in the next hour and a half, we landed six more dogfish, all ranging from the 40 to 60cm mark. As well as inhaling the majority of the squid baits we popped out, we got cleaned out multiple times—“Day Of The Dogfish” alright—they didn’t let anything else get a sniff of the bait.

It was a pretty good day of fishing though and great to spend time with Grandpa Alistair.

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