I don’t wish to drone on, but…

Every fisherman, and fisherwoman, has a spot. It can be a secret, infamous, Spot X, or it could just have good weather and good memories. Les and my spot is the Orari River Mouth, up from Timaru and just outside Temuka. Every year, between October and April, we pack up our caravan and make frequent trips to fish, relax, and enjoy the warm weather.

Les loves to catch elephant fish. Catching them when the tide is going out, usually in the afternoon, with squid for bait and his drone, which cost him $3000 but he loves it dearly.

It’s as much his fishing companion as I am.

There’s also kahawai, sea run trout, salmon and sharks, all can be caught from the river mouth. We catch a lot of old dog fish that we throw back, but we keep the grey boys to eat. Salmon season is a highlight for me because five years ago I caught my first salmon from there. It was 12 pounds and packed one hell of a fight, I nearly had a heart attack winding it in! But I caught it, and I’m still proud of it. I preserved it in Agee jars to make it last. It. Was. Beautiful. I highly recommend you try this, not only does it last longer, it can also be used in so many ways. I love adding it to salads for Les and I to enjoy.

We’re not the only ones who enjoy this spot; many people camp and fish there in the summer, and we have a few friends we meet and catch up with every year.

Together, we always see the new year in surrounding a bonfire on the beach, cooking and eating our catches, with good company. Les and I have made many memories at our special spot, and we’ll continue to make many more, Les, myself, and the drone.

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