Motueka Shoot

We had a shoot at the Motueka Pistol Club on the 26th May. This was an interclub event with people from Blenheim and Cable Bay clubs in attendance.

A big thanks go to Steve and Corbin for spending their Saturday setting up. Building seven different courses was a lot of work for the organisers. A nice mix of running and gunning with a few longer shoots to test accuracy at longer distances. This was an IPSC pistol event and we had a number of different styles and age groups. As normal no inch was given but plenty of support and advice was freely offered when things didn’t go as planned. These competitions are good for giving new shooters a chance to see other people outside their club members compete and it gives them a taste of what an away match is like. This wasn’t run to the same requirements as a South Islands or Nationals we didn’t need to keep to the three small, two medium and one large in round counts (small maximum of 12, medium 13-24 and large 25-32). So this means we can have more larger ones, which adds up to a bigger round count and more shooting. There were a number of moving targets, some that swing into view as well as a couple of turning ones that faced the competitor for a very short time then moved away. Movement around the course is a big part of it as earning a good score comes down to how fast you can move and the lower the time the better. Running too fast means shots and hits on target can suffer. A big part of shooting this kind of competition is a brain game, which never is my strong point with my brain running on empty and on autopilot this round.

Thanks again boys.

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