Ray’s bream in smash and grab

As we left South Bay, Kaikoura, our intention was to target bluenose, a deepwater species common along the ‘shelf.

Fishing was slow but Kris and I managed to tease a couple of bluenose from the depths—hardly record breaking stuff. Hoping to make our own luck, we went prospecting for more productive ground. We had planned on going into shallower water but changed our minds and went deep— 330m. The sounder showed promising ground so we stopped for a drop. Almost immediately, our baits got smashed but we couldn’t hook up. Very frustrating. Finally, the line went tight but the feel was different to what I’d expected. The fish didn’t give up the fight all the way to the boat.

The first sight of colour was a revelation; I now knew what was smashing the baits and was stoked to have my first Ray’s bream. I quickly dropped again and this time was rewarded with a double hook up, adding more sweet, succulent fillets to the menu.

It turned out to be quite a successful day after all.

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