Spicy snapper bake

Snapper fillets (or any firm white fillets: groper, gurnard, blue nose, tarakihi, rig, greyboy etc)

50g butter

Smoked paprika

Dried bell pepper granules (optional)

Salt & pepper

Olive oil

Lime juice

Grease baking dish with olive oil.

Slice fillets diagonally with the grain, 1 cm thick and lay, overlapping in a baking dish.

Sprinkle with lime juice and season with salt and pepper.

Dust with smoked paprika and a sprinkle of capsicum.

Dot the top of fish at even intervals with dobs of butter.

Bake in oven pre-heated to 180 C for 20 minutes.

Serve with mash potatoes, stir fry cabbage and winter vegetables.

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